North Korea Allows ‘Automatic’ Nuclear Strikes to Protect Kim

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Kim Jong Un expanded the circumstances under which North Korea would launch a nuclear strike — including attacking automatically if his leadership is threatened — further raising the stakes for any military confrontation with the US and its allies. North …

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Is nuclear war inevitable?

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and nuclear saber-rattling against the West have revived a debate about nuclear weapons. Last year, when a United Nations treaty to ban such weapons outright entered into force, none of the world’s nine nuclear-weapons states was …

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The Secret Weapons Scheme Spiraling Under America’s Nose

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North Korea is producing chemical and bio-warfare weapons capable of inflicting as much death and destruction as the nuclear warheads that U.S. diplomats demand the North stop producing. That’s according to a lengthy study just released by the RAND Corporation …

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How Risks of Nuclear Weapons Have Become Alarmingly High

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Risks of nuclear weapons have become alarmingly high due to a number of factors. Giving one indication of this, the Union of Concerned Scientists, USA, has written recently that warheads on just one US nuclear armed submarine have SEVEN times …

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Belarus claims nuclear weapons mods are completed on its warplanes

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As Belarus’s involvement in the Russian war against Ukraine continues to push Minsk towards an even closer military cooperation with Moscow, Belarusian President Aleksander Lukashenko has announced that Russia upgraded his country’s jets to enable them to carry tactical atomic …

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