West takes Putin’s nuclear weapons threat seriously

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Western capitals have long been anxious about Moscow’s military doctrine, which allows it to use nuclear weapons to end a conflict as part of its “escalate to de-escalate” strategy. So when Russian president Vladimir Putin put strategic nuclear forces on …

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North Korea fires ballistic missile, restarting weapons tests blitz

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North Korea fired a ballistic missile Sunday, Seoul said, resuming a weapons-testing blitz following a month of relative calm during the Beijing Winter Olympics, and while the world focuses on Ukraine. The Sunday launch is Pyongyang’s eighth so far this …

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Vladimir Putin puts Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert

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Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to put Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert in response to “aggressive statements” by Nato countries. The order came at a meeting between the president, the defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, and the chief …

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Putin waves nuclear sword in confrontation with the West

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It has been a long time since the threat of using nuclear weapons has been brandished so openly by a world leader, but Vladimir Putin has just done it, warning in a speech that he has the weapons available if …

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The Ukraine crisis could trigger a nuclear catastrophe

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There are two potential nuclear dimensions to a war in Ukraine, which could create a massive humanitarian disaster and have profound global implications. In the first week of February, US officials estimated that if war using conventional weapons broke out, …

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Have Russia and China Killed Nuclear Arms Control?

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Unless China can be persuaded to change its attitude toward transparency in its nuclear forces and deterrent policies, and that Russia and China both agree to seriously put all strategic and regional nuclear forces on the table for verifiable limits, …

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Russia to stage massive nuclear drills amid Ukraine standoff

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The Russian military on Friday announced massive drills of its strategic nuclear forces, a stark reminder of the country’s nuclear might amid Western fears that Moscow might be preparing to invade Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin will personally oversee Saturday’s …

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