How Kim Jong Un Keeps Advancing His Nuclear Program

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While U.S. President Joe Biden has left the door open for discussions on eliminating North Korea’s nuclear weapons, leader Kim Jong Un has shown no interest in picking up again. Meanwhile, he has been busy making his arsenal bigger, deadlier …

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Battle-hardened terrorists closing in on deadly biological weapons

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A deadly chemical or biological attack on a major city is extremely likely, perhaps inevitable, in the next decade, according to leading international terrorism experts. The effect on society and the economy of terrorists perfecting the weapons could potentially be …

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Lawmakers set for battle over next-gen nuclear missile

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Nuclear modernization opponents and defenders are gearing up to fight again over the next-generation intercontinental ballistic missile and other efforts. Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif., and a skeptic of nuclear spending on the House Armed Services Committee, confirmed he plans to …

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Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Weeks Away

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Since the Biden administration assumed office, the nuclear talks with Iran have gone nowhere. Six rounds of negotiations have been concluded with no results. In contrast, two other issues have gone too far: the Biden administration’s appeasement policies towards the …

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A Weapons af Mass Destruction Strategy for the 21st Century

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The last time the U.S. government published a national strategy for countering weapons of mass destruction (WMD), Saddam Hussein was still ruling Iraq, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un was a teenager, and Xi Jinping was governing a Chinese province. The White …

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Dermer: World won’t stop Iran from acquiring nuclear bomb

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Ron Dermer, who until recently was Israel’s ambassador to the United States, is warning that despite their promises, the US and the international community will not prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. “In no uncertain terms, the world will …

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NATO chief urges China to join nuclear arms control talks

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NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg urged China on Monday to join international efforts to limit the spread of nuclear weapons amid concerns that the Asian superpower is rapidly developing missiles capable of carrying atomic warheads. Laying out his priorities for nuclear …

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China Flies Nuclear-Capable Bombers Into Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone Amid Escalating Tensions

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Taiwan’s defense ministry reported that Chinese military airplanes—including nuclear-capable bombers—flew into the nation’s air defense identification zone on Sunday. China claims Taiwan under its “one country, two systems” policy, but democratically run Taiwan functions independently of the mainland and tensions …

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